The absence of journal updates is due to the all pervading pandemic, which none of us can escape. It would be a conceit on my part to post “making meanderings” when such things are of scant significance in the midst of this dystopian period in our lives. Like many others, our household has been in lockdown since the beginning of the pandemic. In our case isolation is not the hardship borne by so many others. Living on the foothills of the Ochil Hills means we are fortunate in being able to be outside and still out of contact with others. Restricted activity does not apply, my time has been taken up by attending to the many domestic matters which have long languished undone and, in lockdown, cannot be escaped.

What I would take great pleasure in would be to have contact with anyone out there who visits my site and who wishes to ask any question relating to it, or even just to say “hello.”

Best wishes in this difficult time.