Wildlife, Scatology and Photography.

As progress towards “normality” has suffered a reversal the Myretoun is hunkering down. The natural world surrounding us has always been valued, but now even more so. There is a rich abundance of wildlife about us, all viewed within a few yards of our living area. This morning was typical, over a short period we were visited by:-red squirrels, pheasants, red legged partridges, jackdaws, magpies, wood pigeons, feral pigeons, chaffinches, nuthatches, blue tits, great tits, coal tits, hedge sparrows, a tree creeper, a great spotted woodpecker, a robin, (which flies to my hand to feed) a friendly rabbit and a hen which visits daily to feed.

We are now proud custodians of a badger latrine; this immediately outside our back door. It was dug just beyond a retaining wall cut into the hillside and, therefore, I can look directly into it without bending. This may be the most readily accessible and easily viewed such latrine in the country. Forensic examination was carried out with ease and I can say that the contents were impressive.

I have purchased a “real” camera, mainly for the purpose of taking my own photographs of boxes made. Thus begins the ascent of yet another steep learning curve for my analogue brain to cope with. So far I have not dared to venture out-with the comfort of auto mode, and may never do so. Having taken photographs of the last eight boxes made (alfresco) I find that I am incapable of adding them to the box inventory at this time, but hope to be able to do so soon.

Any comments relating will be very welcome, especially from Squarespace aficionados.